Importance of the General Directorate of Laboratories and Technical Control in the context of Climate Change, from the “One Health” approach
Animal health, climate change, R&D, One Health, Sustainable LaboratoriesAbstract
Climate change will impact directly and indirectly on determinants of animal health at various scales and through multiple interconnected pathways. Transformational changes will be required to enable Official Veterinary Services Laboratories to respond to the interdependent issues of sustainable development, climate change and loss of biodiversity, high temperatures, pollutants and extreme weather events, changing access to natural resources necessary to live and the transformation of animal ecology and sociobiology and population dynamics.
National reference laboratories play an increasingly important and key role in the implementation of the “One Health” approach, a concept that summarizes the idea that the health of people, animals and plants are interdependent and linked to the ecosystems in which they live. This article intends to be a contribution to reflection on how to incorporate the “One Health” concept, for which associations and management models that share and integrate knowledge and understanding of changes in global and local socio-ecological systems.
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