What is the scope of the safety analysis of products of plant origin of the SENASA Plant Laboratory Directorate?
Safety, accreditation, mycotoxins, pesticide residues, Maximum Pesticide Limit (MRL)Abstract
This paper aims to make visible and highlight the work carried out in the laboratories of the Coordination of Plant Safety Analysis of the Plant Laboratory and Technical Control Directorate (DLV-DGLyCT) of SENASA. The intention is to communicate the importance of their functions and activities that contribute to safeguarding and protecting the health of domestic consumers and foreign customers. Not only because of the tasks developed at present, but also because of the challenge implied by the new safety paradigm from the point of view of "One Health", an integral concept that contemplates the interdependence between human health and animal health, linked to the ecosystems in which they coexist. The Coordination has laboratories for microbiological, physical-chemical, mycotoxin and pesticide residue analyses and quality certification of grains and by-products in matrices of plant origin.
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