What varieties of industrial hemp will be used in Argentina?



Cannabis sativa, varieties, adaptation, genotype-environment interaction


Given the fact that industrial hemp production in Argentina is expected to start shortly, the necessary steps both to determine the foreign varieties that best adapt to different Argentine production systems and to obtain local materials through genetic improvement are described. Some processes, practices, problems and alternatives that should be considered for the diffusion of the crop in the country are also presented.

Author Biographies

Daniel Marcelo Sorlino, GET Cannabis. Facultad de Agronomía, UBA

Coordinador del Grupo de Estudio y Trabajo (GET) en Cannabis. FAUBA

Cecilia García Sampedro, SENASA

Dirección de Información Estratégica Fitosanitaria – Dirección Nacional de Protección Vegetal (Senasa) 

Grupo de Estudio y Trabajo en Cannabis (Facultad de Agronomía – Universidad de Buenos Aires

Eduardo Mario Musacchio, GET Cannabis, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA

Docente investigador de la Cátedra de Genética, UBA 



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