Species of Scolytid with higher incidence in Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus sp. plantations located in the east of Corrientes province
Escolítidos, Pinus elliottii, Eucalyptus sp.Abstract
In order to learn about the species of Scolytid (order: Coleoptera, suborder: Polyphaga, family: Curculionidae, subfamily: Scolytinae) that attack forest plantations of Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus sp located in the east of Corrientes province, insect samples from two multi-funnel traps located near the towns of Tapebicuá and Yapeyú were analyzed in the laboratory. These traps were reviewed every two weeks, and their content (pests of interest) was extracted and sent it to the laboratory for analysis. Additionally, after each review, the attractant liquid in the traps (96% alcohol) was replaced. From January 2022 to February 2023, the diversity of Scolytid beetles present with higher frequency in these plantations was analyzed. The results show that the species with higher incidence in Eucalyptus sp is Xyleborinus saxeseni (family: Curculionidae, subfamily: Scolitynae), and in Pinus elliottii, it is Orthomicus erosus (family: Curculionidae).
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