Health emergencies can be anticipated: SENASA tools for crisis communication



Communication, crisis, emergency, alert, SENASA


A central aspect of the communication policy of the National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (SENASA) is to provide for institutional action in the event of a health emergency, which can lead to a loss of credibility. As a national government agency in charge of safeguarding animal and plant health and the safety of food products within the scope of its responsibility, the Service will be faced with a crisis when an incident related to its institutional objectives puts partially or totally in doubt its ability to meet them. Crises, which can have consequences for animal, plant or food health, become media when they place the organization at an unusual level of public exposure in which its actions are questioned. The purpose of crisis communication -within a short period of time and through communication activities in which the media, social networks, etc. are involvedؙ- is for SENASA to preserve its reputation and credibility. In this task, it is possible to foresee alert levels based on the design of a crisis communication protocol, understood as a tool whose indicators collaborate with the preventive communication plan and the responses before, during and after the emergency.

Author Biographies

Marcelo Valente, SENASA

Consejo Asesor de la revista SNS

Roberto Luis Olivieri Pinto, SENASA

Coordinador General de Comunicación Institucional. SENASA


Leandro Rafael Del Valle, SENASA



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